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2014-10-16 02:08
摘要:公共治理研究通常有两种截然不同的态度:治理者的态度和公众的态度。站在治理者的态度上,公共治理研究主要关注作为公共利益代表者和维护者的公共部分,如何才能对公共事务进行有效的治理。站在公众的态度上,公共治理研究主要关注“公民怎样才能从政府那里得到他们所需要的东西”(注:Howard Frant:Useful to Whom?Public Management Research,Social Science,and the Standpoint Problem,International Public Management Journal,Volume 2,Number 2,1999,p.324.)。
Abstract: The public administration research usually has two kind of entirely different standpoints: Superintendent's standpoint and public's standpoint. Stands in superintendent's standpoint, the public administration research main attention takes the public interest spokesman and vindicator's Public sector, how can carry on the effective management to the public affairs. Stands in public's standpoint, the public administration research main attention “how can the citizen obtain the thing which from government there they need” (the note: Howard Frant:Useful to Whom? Public Management Research, Social Science, and the Standpoint Problem, International Public Management Journal, Volume 2, Number 2,1999, p.324. ). key word: Public interest; Modern age public; Public administration; Management essence 引言
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