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2014-05-12 01:13

摘   要



Zheng art by its more than 2,500 years deep cultural inside story, becomes in the Chinese nationality music a crack force. As a result of the region environment and the historical culture and so on many reasons together functions, differently spread the area to form take the different sound characteristic and the unique performance skill as the characteristic place school.
Hakka zheng sent many arts schools in the country with the simple beauty enjoyed known. The first Hakka zheng origin and formed by zheng, and then analyse the Hakka zheng music style, technique features, will feature. Representative on the development of modern Hakka zheng contribution to reveal new aspects of their heritage to deliver unique to the Hakka zheng send a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding.
Key words: The broad Eastern Han Dynasty is happy; Hakkas zheng; Performance technique; Inheritance

    上一篇:以音乐课堂教学为载体 培养学生的创新能力 下一篇:浅谈民族男高音发展现状中存在的问题及发展方