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2014-08-02 01:20

摘   要



China is a country with a long history and profound culture, but as the invasion of world’s economy and cultural tide, the ancient culture of China has a threat of being subverted. So this thesis bases itself on the phenomenon of applying for world heritage, through which we further discuss the urgency and necessity of the inheritance and development of Chinese folk songs. Besides, some personal ideas and suggestions are presented in this thesis through summarizing and analyzing remarkable results, which are achieved by a series of protective measures for the inheritance and development of Chinese folk songs.
Key words: Folk songs; Inheritance and development; For the phenomenon of applying for world heritage

 目   录

摘要 I
Abstract II
绪论 1
1、《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产保护法》的保护对象及其意义 1
2、中国民歌的传承、发展及其成果 3
1. 民歌的起源 3
2. 民歌的传承经历与早期民歌的记载 3
3. 民歌的发展成果 5
3、民歌的现状分析 5
4、对民歌传承与发展的思考 7


结语 9
注释 10
参考文献 10
致谢 11

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