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2014-10-05 01:57
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《红楼梦》中探春之形象论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要



Hong Lou Mengs in a book JiaTanchun outside the city in springtime, individuality bright, attractive, she in Jia Jiasui is the born of a concubine, but intelligent is actually competent, once has managed the so big Jia government office by the splendid ability. TanChun outside the city in springtime the disposition in a lively way, is optimistic, although lives in the feudal period, can jump out the small and narrow life circle actually, makes the feudalism lady of a renowned family does not dare for a series of actions, For example initiates the poetry society, manages family affairs, instead copies picks and so on, this in indeed was the very great matter at that time. TanChun outside the city in springtime not only is aristocrat young lady which the talent and good looks has both, also is disposition bright and spacious womans head covering reformer, at the same time a antifeudal principle. Although because TanChun outside the city in springtime had been born in at the end of the feudal society world, the time and social classs limitation, she does not have to be able to change the tragedy destiny which the Jia government office declines day by day, but she has become Hong Lou Meng actually by the unique individuality a center lucky fellow.


Key words: Hong Lou Mengs;  JiaTanchun; constantly strive to become stronger;
antifeudal consciousness

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