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2014-11-06 01:15
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论中国古典诗歌中的“水”意象论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要:本篇论文主要截取先秦至唐宋部分诗歌,概括出“水”意象在古典诗歌中的地位,并结合《诗经》,陶渊明,谢灵运,李白,苏轼等具体作家、作品对之进行论证和阐述,从而得出“古典诗歌中的“水”意象与中国传统文化,包括儒家的入世哲学,爱民,忠君思想,道家的超脱世俗,崇尚自然等思想密不可分,并散发出浓厚的文化意蕴。
关键词:意象    水    中国传统文化    古典诗歌

Abstract: This page thesis main intercepts from the pre-Qin period to Tang and Song Dynasty parts of poems.It summarizes the status of water image in classical poems.And it  combines some concrete writers and works, such as " the Book of Songs ", Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, and Su Shi ,etc.In the end, it proves that there is great relationship between water and Chinas traditional culture,including entry to WTO philosophy of the Confucianists,such as loving the people, loyal monarchs thought,and the detached common customs of the Taoist school.At the same time,it advocates the natural thought and waits for inseparably, giving out the strong literal connotation.
Key words: Image    Water    Chinas traditional culture    Classical poems

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