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2014-12-02 01:13
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论秦观词的凄婉美论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要



Qin Guan is a man with hard and sadness life, therefore he get a name of “The Heart-struck Man” in the ancienty. His phrase of beyond all doubt and main body now of this title make up. Qin Guan usually exile the phrase of the topic to make feeling of show unintentionally the thick heavy life experience with move; The phrase of the love topic makes to express to write the love to get difficulty mostly, the human feelings worry depressed of the difficult circle;The feeling is old to kept in mind the phrase of the ancient topic to be filled with the hour of feeling to harm the sentimental appeal of a life time. Do in Qin view many words, excellent poets intrinsic emotion and the external scenery fuse in together, has formed the gently beautiful chilly clear image, the structure leaves the sorrowful hazy ideal condition. The rhythm affable melodious, the sound harmonious, folds the character application prominently, thus lets the reader feel the emotions which supple graceful is beautiful miserably, to one kind lowly damps. Qin Guan this kind of touching beautiful word wind is cannot separate with his thought and the individuality makings. This article from Qin Guanci theme content, the work image ideal condition, the Qin word temperament these three aspects discusses its word touching, and obtained from the Qin view thought and the individuality makings, has analyzed its word touching beautiful origin .


    Key words: Qin Guan; Sadly moving and beautiful; Idea; Artistic conception

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