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2014-12-11 01:16
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,对人的生存的不断探索—论余华小说创作承继中在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘 要:不管是前期的“先锋派小说”还是后来变化了的所谓的“世俗”小说,余华在他的创作中,始终在对“人的生存”问题进行探索。而苦难是人生存面临的最大的障碍,这也是余华小说的中心话语。是绝望地面对苦难,亦或是忍耐地承受苦难,这是余华对人的生存探索的两个不同的方向。从某种意义上说,余华小说的变化是创作形式上的改变,而他作为作家,对于人生存的探索是从来没有终止的。因此,与其说余华创作的小说,是从“先锋”步入“媚俗”不如说是他在寻求另1种新的表达。这应该说他的骨子里是散发着“先锋精神”的。

关键词:先锋派小说   余华   生存探索   苦难   衍化

Abstract: No matter previous " the pioneer sends the novel " or the so-called " common customs " novel that changed later, Yu Hua is exploring " peoples existence " question all the time in his creation. And the suffering is the greatest obstacle that the people survive and face, this is the centre words of Yu Huas novel too. Facing the suffering desperatly, also or restraining oneself bear the suffering , this is two different directions explored in Yu Huas existence to people. In a sense, the change of Yu Huas novel is to create the formal change, and he has never stopped to the exploration that people survived as the writer. So, instead of the novel which Yu Hua created, step into and " fawn on customs " and is not so good as saying from " pioneer " it is he that is seeking another kind of new expression. This one that should say him sends out " pioneers spirit " at heart. 
Key words: The pioneer sends the novel    Yu Hua    Survive and explore 
               Suffering    Spread out and melt


    上一篇:草莽英雄的完美化身—武松形象解析 下一篇:《论语》双音词初探