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2015-01-11 01:08

摘   要

本文主要研究《人到中年》中的知识女性形象及其形象意义问题, 通过对陆文婷这个知识女性的形象分析,反映出陆文婷是1位道德高尚的知识女性,她任劳任怨、奋发向上,她坚强不屈,淡泊名利;她是1个医术精湛的白衣天使;她是1个具有传统家庭责任感和现代社会责任感的知识女性。她是1名眼科医生,无职无权也无名无位,工作超负荷而待遇低下,1家4口挤住1间陋室,家徒4壁,生活过得10分清寒。但就是在这样困窘的生存条件下,陆文婷仍任劳任怨地辛勤工作。她具有高度的社会责任感,为事业牺牲了家庭和个人的利益,即使是在生命垂危之际,她仍在牵挂着自己的病人,而且职业角色未能压倒其天赋的母性、妻性,她对孩子和丈夫深怀歉疚之情,却唯独忘了关心自己。小说为读者刻画的是1位物质极度匮乏而精神却无比富有、平凡而又高尚的知识女性形象


This article mainly studies "Human to Middle age" the center knowledge feminine image and its the vivid significance question, The leading character of novel Lu Wen Ting is a moral noble knowledge female, she bears the burden of responsibility, she lives simply the fame and fortune; She is a nurse who has exquisite medical skill; She is has female who the traditional family sense of responsibility and the modern society sense of responsibility knowledge . She is a ophthalmologist, does not have the duty to have no right also the nameless not to have the position, the work load is excessive but the treatment is low, the four of family crowd a humble room, utterly destitute, lead a extremely simple live. But under such embarrassed survival requirement, Lu Wen Ting still work thanklessly industrious. She has the high social sense of responsibility, has sacrificed the family and individual benefit for the enterprise, even if in the life critically ill time, she was still worrying own about her patient, moreover the professional role has not been crush her talent the motherhood, and wife, she was to the child deep sorry and the husband, only forgot to care about herself. The novel portray a knowledge feminine image who is extreme deficient in matter but incomparably in the spirit. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)
Key words: The famale intellectual; the doctor with a scacred character; the contradiction between traditionalism and the property of the cumulative generation; the implication of the image


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