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摘 要
This thesis is intengeg to conclude the emotion pattern through the development of love and the andlysis of charaefer’s emotion in Lu Yao’s nouel. It can be elaborated into three sections separately:the enthusiasm and idealisn of the hero and heroine in sentiment;the disparity of the hero and heroine in sentiment;the disparity of the hero and the heroine in soeial status;the tragic and of the hero end the heroine’s love.
Key words:Lu Yao; novel; love; emotion pattern
路遥小说魅力的关键所在就是它永恒的主题—爱情。他笔下的爱情故事感动着1代又1代的青年。主人公关系简单明确,感情浓烈,真诚,地位悬殊但大多才貌双全,打破世俗的爱情观,但往往难以逃脱现实的命运。他的中篇小说代表作《人生》中的巧珍有金子般的心灵,她对爱情大胆、真挚地追求,对高加林1片痴心。后来虽被高加林所抛弃,但她并没有因此有埋怨和报复,相反她还是处处为高加林着想,还是尽力去帮助高加林。长篇小说代表作《平凡的世界》中孙少平与田晓霞好学、勤奋,感情真挚、执着。田晓霞不在意孙少平的工人身份用全部热情去爱着她的“挖煤工人”,直到她死的那1刻还是在想着她的爱人。《夏》中杨启迪对苏莹1往情深并通过努力最终有情人终成眷属。路遥其它的小说也是谱写着1个个感人的爱情故事。 (科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)