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2015-05-06 02:04
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,说明文教学初探论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 说明文,是


摘   要




Expository writing, is used for introducing and explaining the article of the things or reason by way of proving in order to mainly express. It occupies quite important position in the Chinese teaching of middle school. But from traditional teaching, when we feel teaching expository writing, the atmosphere of the classroom is stagnant water and a pool, students are drowsy, the teaching result can be well imagined. So what a teaching method of improving the expository writing, improving students interest to study expository writing, it is the important subject that the gentle teacher of language of middle school is studying and probing into constantly. This text will combine the psychological characteristics about the middle school student in psychology, according to the Chinese syllabus of middle school, on the basis of explaining content of courses of expository writing in an all-round way, discuss especially how to overcome the psychological obstacle that students think the expository writing stiff, uninteresting, arouse students enthusiasm to study expository writing, several kinds of methods to improve teaching result of the expository writing. 大学排名
Key words: Expository writing; Teaching and Learning; Interest; Result





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