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2015-05-27 01:42
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,一曲追求自由爱情的青春颂歌在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:  摘  要:本文对崔莺莺、杜丽娘和林黛玉3位女性在


摘  要:本文对崔莺莺、杜丽娘和林黛玉3位女性在爱情道路上不同层次的追求和体验进行比较和讨论,反映封建时代不同阶段的女性,为了追求真正自由美好的爱情,与残酷而不合理的封建礼教作斗争的艰难和执着。与此同时,通过对其进行比较分析,抨击了千百年来禁锢、压迫广大女性的封建礼教和封建道德观念,并对当代女性在爱情婚姻面前,应该采取何种态度发表了自己的看法和观点。

关键词: 爱情观   封建礼教   叛逆   觉醒


Abstract:This text through compare the pursue and experience of three women Cui YingYing ,Du Liniang and Lin Daiyu in love road from different aspect , has reflected women in feudal era, in order to pursue the really free and beautiful love, Do difficult and persistent struggle with the cruel and unreasonable feudal Confucian. In the meanwhile , through carrying on comparative analysis to it , have condemned feudal Confucian and feudal moral concept of confining the masses of women for lots and lots of years , and about the love and marriage to contemporary woman ,have shown ones own view to the attitude that should be taken.

Key words: Love view  Feudal Confucian  Rebel against  Realize the truth


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