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2015-07-31 01:08
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,花袭人性格的多面性和复杂性样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 在《红楼梦》裙


摘   要



Among the female figures described in A Dream of Red Mansions, Xi Ren’s personality which resembles the slave is complex and versatile. This thesis concentrates on the two completely different visions of comments on Xi Ren, one is made by Zhi Yan ,which describes her as a loyal ,devoted, filial ,virtuous and dutoful woman, and praises her so highly, while the other is made by Cheng Gao ,which describes her as  a crafty and evil woman and the “female spy in the Da Guan Yuan”  and belittle her very much .The two comments are opposite to each other .It’s essential for us to distinguish them .As we know ,Xi Ren is famous for her idiocy and it will manifest when she communicate with people .The idiocy of Xi Ren is built upon the richness and the gratefulness towards her host ,which has two side of contradiction .The reason regarding why she stays in the family of Jia, kills other to get their fortune and attains the position of the second wife by employing her wiseness  is to be in line of the hosts, and it seems that all the evil deeds are done in a dutiful way .After the dilapidation of the family of Jia, she accomplishes the change of identification under the grievance of losing the chance to be the host .The truth of Hua Xiren is that she just play tricks on other people .She finishes her life in a half loyal and half crafty way ,and thus becomes the most successful  representative figure of art in the description of A Dream of Red Mansions. 中国大学排名
Key words: Xi Ren; the script of Zhi Yan; the script of Cheng Gao; virtuous; deceitful


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