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摘 要
本文主要是从政治、军事、人生3个方面来分析诸葛亮的智慧思维。政治智慧主要是从3个方面来阐述:《隆中对》的政治智慧,坚持联吴抗曹的方针,和平宽容对待少数民族;军事智慧则是通过诸葛亮的奇谋妙策和超凡的军事预见能力以及在战争中的科技发明这3个方面进行分析论述的;人生智慧也是从3个角度来分析的:1是诸葛亮匡世济民的价值取向,2是他忠君报国的高尚情操,3是他个人的高风亮节。并对 “鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”的精神,结合当下的有关观点进行了论辩,更加体现了1个崇尚儒家忠义道德的正统思想家的胸襟与气度。诸葛亮近乎完美的智慧与人格,是我们后人处世立身当之无愧的典范。
This article mainly is from politics, military, the life three aspects analyzes Zhuge Liangs wisdom thought. The political wisdom mainly is elaborated from three aspects that, "Is prosperous to" the political wisdom, persists the association Wu Kangcao policy, the peace tolerant treatment national minority; The military wisdom is so good idea and the unusual military foresight ability as well as invents these three aspects through Zhuge Liangs strange plan in the war science and technology to carry on the analysis elaboration; The life wisdom also is analyzes from three angles: One is Zhuge Liang corrects the world to aid peoples value orientation, two is the noble sentiment which his loyal Mr. serves the country, three is his high character and integrity. And was long-lived "does ones best, after dies but already" the spirit, the union immediately related viewpoint has carried on the argument, even more has manifested legitimate thinkers mind and the bearing which advocated the Confucianist loyalty and patriotism morals. Zhuge Liang approaches the perfect wisdom and the personality, is our posterity sets up the model which the body deserves
Key words: Zhuge liang; wisdom (Political, military, life)