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关键词:虚拟现实 城市规划 建模 仿真
Abstract :The city planning and layout have been revolutionized by the advent of the virtual reality technology. And Virtual Reality Modeling Language happens to come into being going with it. People could construct any model according to his imagination, consequently the expectation of the city planning can be achieved. Certainly we could find out the error and insufficiency, so that we could modify and improve it. The article bases on this technology and VRML exploitation tool to implement city emulation. It can make government layout department, project developer, engineering person and public set eyes on layout result in spots and commutatively by applying VR technology, and make them grip the city’s conformation and understand the purpose of the designer, and the participation of the public could come true.
This paper is mainly about the application of the virtual reality technology to the city planning. The significance is that it can realize city emulation by applicating euthenics, engineering, layout and VR technology. Consequently we can show the more real, brilliance, dramatic city’s visage, so that it makes the feasibility research of the city planning more simple and it in favor of city planning, city’s construct and city’ perfect.
Keywords :Virtual Reality;City planning;Modeling;Emulation
第一章 绪 论
1.1 什么是虚拟现实技术
虚拟现实是模拟的三维环境,是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界(Virtual World)的计算机系统。虚拟环境是由计算机生成的,它通过人的视、听、触觉等作用于用户,使之产生身临其境的感觉的视景仿真。它是一门涉及计算机、图像处理与模式识别、语音和音响处理、人工智能技术、传感与测量、仿真、微等技术的综合集成技术。用户可以通过计算机进入这个环境并能操纵系统中的对象并与之交互。