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2014-08-09 02:23

目 录
前  言 1
1  绪论 2
2  系统开发平台 4
2.1 HTML语言 4
2.2 JavaScript语言 4
2.3 JSP技术 4
2.3.1 JSP概述 4
2.3.2 JSP工作原理 4
2.3.3 JSP页面的组成 5
2.3.4 JavaBean技术介绍 6
2.3.5 JSP的运行环境 6
2.4 SQL Server 2000数据库简介 7
2.4.1 Microsoft SQL Server 2000的特性 7
2.4.2 数据库构架 8
2.4.3 SOL语言简单介绍 9
2.4.4 JDBC数据库连接技术 9
2.5 搭建开发环境 9
2.5.1 安装和配置JDK 9
2.5.2 安装Tomcat 10
2.5.3 安装和配置JDBC 10
3  需求分析 11
3.1 系统需要解决的主要问题 11
3.2 基本功能分析 11
3.3 建模分析 11
3.3.1系统流程图 12
3.3.2 数据流图 12
3.4 系统运行环境 14
4  系统设计 15
4.1 系统设计思想 15
4.2 系统功能模块图 15
5  数据库设计 17
5.1 数据库设计原则 17
5.2 数据库需求分析 17
5.3 数据库概念设计 19
5.4 数据库逻辑结构设计 19
6  系统实现与关键技术 23
6.1 代码的目录结构 23
6.2 主要功能模块 23
6.3 系统实现的主要通用模块 25
6.3.1 实现数据库连接的Bean(Conn.java) 25
6.3.2 提示页面Bean(Show.java) 26
6.3.3 实现编码转换的Bean(Str.java) 26
6.3.4 分页技术Bean(Page.java) 28
6.4 登录 30
6.5 预约实验 32
6.6 取消预约 36
6.7 预约查询 37
6.8 邮件群发技术 37
7  系统测试与维护 41
结束语 43
参考文献 44
致  谢 45


(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)
摘 要:当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代,在各行各业中都离不开信息处理,这是计算机应用系统开发被广泛应用的1个外部环境。现在广大学校的内部网络建立后,为不断满足广大用户对信息的高度共享、信息的即时发布和实现各种内部事务信息化管理的需求,学校在通用信息平台上也构筑了不少高效实用的应用系统,实验室预约系统就是应广大师生的需求而建立起来的。
本设计采用了Microsoft公司的SQL Server 2000数据库作后台和Sun公司倡导的JSP动态网页技术作前台。采用JDBC技术访问数据库。系统操作简单,界面友好,运行比较稳定。

Design and Achievement of Experiments Online Booking System

Abstract:  The present era is an era with rapid development of information.In all walks of life,information processing can not be separated,which is an external environment for computer application systems development and wide use.Now the schools internal networking,in order to satisfy the needs of users in information highly sharing,information immediate dissemination and achievement of internal affairs information management,school information sets up many much-practical applications in a platform.Laboratory booking system is established to the needs of teachers and students.  (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
This paper discusses about the whole development process of the Online booking system.Firstly,it briefs on the current experimental techniques,the development prospects and the development of a simple presentation tools.And then discuss the requirement analysis of the online booking system,the various functional modules and the design of them.Finally,explains the realization of this system and its key technology in detail.Its main functions are:to see the current state of the laboratory,for experiments booking,cancellation of the appointment which has not been addressed.Super managers can add appointed and fixed laboratory experiments,users information and laboratory management information.For improving the comprehensive nature,the system also provides information change function and voice mail for help for individual users.And super managers can also add general manager.  
The design adopts Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database as the background,Sun company’s JSP dynamic web technology as proscenium,and use JDBC technology for visiting database.Simple operation,friendly interface,and stable circulation are its characteristics.
Keywords:  Booking_labrary;Database;JSP

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