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摘 要:SSL协议为了数据的安全传输而产生的,SSL协议是电子商务中常用的1种安全电子交易协议,对信息传输起到了加密和认证的作用。SSL协议保证了数据的完整性、机密性和对客户机的身份认证。本文首先对SSL的工作原理和应用做了详细的介绍。由于SSL协议涉及到密码学,本文对SSL协议中所相关的密码学和PKI(公钥基础设施)也做了相应的介绍。然后队SSL协议的安全性进行了研究,分析了SSL协议存在的安全问题及其相应的解决方案。最后对SSL协议的性能分析是对SSL协议安全性的1个补充。OpenSSL是SSL协议的实现部分,本文介绍了OpenSSL的组成和主要功能。
Security Analysis and Application Research on SSL Protocol
Abstract:SSL protocol is a secure protocol commonly used in e-commerce transactions, which can be used to encrypt data and authenticate identity. SSL protocol ensures data integrity, confidentiality and authentication of the client identify. First, the paper introduces the theory and application of SSL protocol. Because SSL protocol relate to cryptography, the knowledge of cryptography and PKI (public key infrastructure) is also introduce in the paper. Then, the reasearth on security of SSL protocol is done by analysis the possible problems on SSL protocol and the practicable solutions to the problems. Finally, analyzing SSL protocol performance is an addition to SSL protocol security. OpenSSL is the realization of SSL protocol, the paper introduces OpenSSL
Keywords:SSL;OpenSSL;Cryptography;Security analysis