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2013-09-14 01:13
导读:数学论文毕业论文,关于某些函数的性质讨论论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 关于



On the discussions of some functions characters

Function is one of the most important concepts in mathematics. It is not only the object of mathematical research, but also a basal way of thought to resolve mathematical questions, which plays a significant role in all the branches of mathematics. In the higher mathematics, in physics, chemistry and other natural disciplines, in the economical domain and the social sciences, it has the widespread application, and is playing the foundation role. This paper is committed to expatiate on the attribute of the functions profoundly from several aspects such as the mapping, inverse functions, compound function and etc and discuss the attributes of mapping and several special functions energetically.

Key words: function, mapping, inverse, function, Eigen function, extremity

    上一篇:关于整系数多项式的根的若干性质 下一篇:没有了