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2013-10-19 01:11
导读:数学论文毕业论文,Riemann积分与Lebesgue积分论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: Ri

摘  要:本文比较了Riemann积分和Lebesgue积分的定义、基本性质;给出了Lebesgue积分不同建立方式的等级性证明.我们讨论了有限区间和无穷区间上Riemann可积和Lebesgue可积的关系;最后我们将 中有限区间上Riemann可积和Lebesgue可积的结果推广到了高维的欧氏空间中的有界区域.

Riemann integral and Lebesgue integral

Abstract:In this paper , we discuss Riemann integral and Lebesgue integral mainly . we compare some  foundamental properties and definitions of these two integrals ; we give a proof of equivalence of three different  definitions of  Lebesgue  integral .  Also, we discuss the  relation between “Riemann  integrable” and “Lebesgue  integrable” on finite and infinite intervals . Finally , we  give  a  proof  showing  that the famous result which says that Riemann  interable can lead  to the Lebesgue integrable in   also holds in finite domains in multi-dimensional space  ( ).
Key words:Riemann integral;  Lebesgue integral;  Riemann integrable;  Lebesgue interable; generalized Riemann integral.

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