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2013-11-01 01:02
导读:数学论文毕业论文,物流信息发布平台设计论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 物流


本设计在研究和查阅了文献的基础上,系统研究和总结了近年来物流网站建设的发展过程和这些物流网站的主要特点,分析了当前的物流网站所存在的1些主要不足以及未来的发展方向和趋势。在对物流信息平台网络化、系统化、实用化技术的分析和总结的基础上,采用了SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库,利用了功能强大的ASP.NET作为网站的开发软件。采用了以上的软件以及相关的功能和技术,设计了1个具有浏览、发布信息、登录和注册等功能的前台系统和具有信息管理和用户设置管理的后台系统。该平台可以实现提供完备的会员发布功能、各类信息的发布、查看管理网站和会员信息功能。 

With the advance of information technology, especially networking technology continues to evolve the globalization of the Internet boom of the human community to a new information age, and therefore access to logistics information through the network is imminent arrival of the information age. Therefore, the establishment of a logistics network platform for the logistics industry was a great help.   In the research and design of the literature search on the basis of systematic research and summed up in recent years, logistics website development process and the building of the main features of the website logistics, logistics analysis of the current existence of a number of major websites inadequate and the future direction and trends. In the logistics information platform for networking, systematic, analytical and practical technology on the basis of summing up, using the SQL Server 2,005 database as a background, a powerful ASP.NET application is used as website development software.  

(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

Used more software and related functional and technical, we devised a referral, cargo and information dissemination, recorded and registration system and the prospect of a functional user, member of information management and information management systems background. This platform may provides the function of  the member to issue, each kind of information is issued, the function of Examining and managing website and member information .

Keywords: Logistics Management System; Logistics;System

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