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2013-11-21 01:02
导读:数学论文毕业论文,反应罐中物质浓度变化的数学模型论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘 要

关键词:  解析法; 稳定性分析;平衡状态;非平衡状态;物料平衡原理;

In this paper, I have made an analysis of the trend that the material density in each react pot is varied with time under Equilibrium state and non-equilibrium state in chemical engineering, utilizing the mathematical model to turn the chemical question into the mathematics question, I list the expression formula of mathematics, and utilize knowledge of cybernetics to carry on stable analysis to the model. Through calculating with an example and according to the basis theory of the ordinary differential equation, this article uses two methods including the analytic method and the constant change method to carry on the computation, following it, I combine MATLAB to calculate the result and utilize MATLAB to draw the figure to reflect the result of the calculation. Not only the theory will significant for research of chemical engineering, but also there are some close connections with stable analysis which is in differential equation. so, this is application of mathematics in actual life.


Key words: Analytic method ; Stability analysis ;Equilibrium state ;Non-equilibrium state ;Balanced principle of the supplies;
1  问题的提出及模型的假设
1.1  问题的提出

    上一篇:矩阵分解和矩阵方程AX=B,AXB=C的解 下一篇:没有了