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2013-12-10 01:06
导读:数学论文毕业论文,公告信息管理系统样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 公告

关键字:B/S结构; MVC模式; 公告信息管理    

The Management System For Notice Information
     JSP and Servlet technology is used to design a management system for Notice Information, it is primarily for a research group that issued the relevant information,including membership information, work and research information ,and so on. The system is divided into two modules, one is modules prospects which provided  ordinary users for browse information; the other is administrators background module which is responsible for information management and maintenance.
    System used B/S structure, a better realization of the MVC model, and the data of the operation is a good way. The system has some flexibility, practicality, ease for operation, and scalability.
Keywords : Structure B/S;MVC model;Notice Information Management

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