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2014-02-02 02:37
导读:数学论文毕业论文,铁路大提速下的京沪线列车调度论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 铁路


摘   要

 The model’s design concept is raised under the background of the sixth national railway speedup. In view of the present situation of Jing-Hu high-speed line, this article established the simplified model of the train dispatching in four aspects: the arrangement of freight train, the arrangement of temporary passenger train, the making of train working diagram and the adjustment of train movement. The established model has a good versatility and maneuverability, and the simulation of the model is fairly well.

(科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)

 Aim at the question of maximum freight train arrangement, this article established an optimized simplification model. From the matrix of the depart-and-arrive-time of the passenger train and the restraint condition of the model, we obtained the departble time sector of the freight train in the selected intervals of the stations, and on the basis of it we get the maximum value of the objective function, that is the most can be arranged in these stations in a day. Then if we stochastically select the proper depart time in the departable time sector, we can finally finish the train working diagram.
 For the question of arranging temporary passenger train, this article concluded from the model of question one, and established a similar optimized extension model. Then in the light of the objective function and the corresponding constraints, we formulated the specific program of the temporary train, and completed the train working diagram of the entire Jing-Hu line. 
 To solve the question of train movement adjustment, this article first established the general mathematics model, and then adapted the design idea of genetic algorithms to improve the model. After determining the code method, the fitness function and the three operators, we obtained the flow of the adjustment algorithm based on the genetic algorithms.

Keyword: Train dispatching; Train working diagram; Train movement adjustment; Departble time sector; Optimized extension model; Genetic Algorithms.

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