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2014-02-16 01:09
导读:数学论文毕业论文,传感器前端电路灵敏度研究论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 传感



Research on sensitivity of sensor front-end circuit
Abstract :As the sensor output signal are generally weak, so we should transform or enlarge it to easier transmission, processing, recording and display form by using specialized signal metering circuit. The front-end circuit discussed in this paper means that specialized signal metering circuit. Usually it includes bridge circuit, operational amplifiers, charge amplifier, they go with the corresponding sensor according to their needs. In this paper, we establish the output equations of various front-end circuit, then deduce sensitivity expression, obtained the maximum sensitivity by using Mathematica, and then contrast the various front-end circuit, to identify the best option.

Keywords :Metering circuit ; Sensitivity ;Electric bridge ;Amplifier

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