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2014-02-24 01:27
导读:数学论文毕业论文,在重力场作用下的带电粒子在均恒磁场中的辐射在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 在重

摘要:依据电磁场Maxwell方程组的基本理论和1般情况下电流电荷激发电磁场以及电磁场内部的运动的规律.分析和讨论任意运动的带电粒子所激发的电磁场辐射的特性, 对带电粒子在远区的辐射情况,仅讨论与加速度a有关的电磁辐射.把电磁作用力作用到1个粒子上得出了Lorentz力公式,利用带电粒子在电磁场中的运动方程并解这个微分方程.得出带电粒子的速度和加速度.接着我们讨论了带电粒子在均恒磁场中运动时的辐射特性以及在重力场作用下的带电粒子在均恒磁场中运动时的辐射特性.通过对它们的比较,得出它们所激发的电磁场的异同.

关键词:带电粒子;辐射电磁场;均恒磁场;重力场; 辐射功率;辐射能流.

The radiation of charged particles in magnetic field
in a gravitational field
Abstract: EMF based on the Maxwell equations and the basic theory of general charge under current electromagnetic field and the excitation Movement within the law. Analysis and discussion of arbitrary movement of charged particles excited by the electromagnetic radiation characteristics, Charged particles in the far region of the radiation, only a discussion with the acceleration of electromagnetic radiation. put the role of the electromagnetic force on a particle obtained Lorentz formula. the use of charged particle in an electromagnetic field equations of motion and solve the differential equations. Charged particles come to the speed and acceleration. then our discussion of charged particles in magnetic field is constant movement of the radiation characteristics of the gravitational field of charged particles in both Moving constant magnetic field of radiation characteristics. Based on the comparison, they are excited by the electromagnetic field records.

Keywords:charged particle; radiant electromagnetic field; Uniformity constant homogenous magnetic field; gravitational field;;radiant power; radiant Energy flux.


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