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2014-03-18 01:12
导读:数学论文毕业论文,气体自由程与输运系数的研究论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 气体


  摘 要:气体分子自由程和输运系数是分子运动论的基本内容,它们在现代物理的许多分支中仍必不可少,但在现行教科书上对它们的证明及推导过于粗糙很难让学生理解与掌握。针对这些缺点本文在现行的教材以及相关参考文献的基础上,首先根据麦克斯韦速率分布推导出气体分子自由程,然后在计算推导实际气体分子输运系数时介绍1种比较好的势模型Tang-Toennies(TT)势模型为分子相互作用势,在此基础上提出了用物理力学方法计算输运系数中关键的碰撞积分公式,并给出了碰撞积分公式中1些参数的确定以及关系,最后得出输运系数的表达式并计算出结果。把计算结果与理想气体输运系数的对比分析。计算结果与理论值比较相符,同时说明选择TT势模型的正确性。
Research with the free path of gas and transfer factor
Abstract: Gas molecules and free transport coefficients-molecular-kinetic theory is the basic content. Modern physics in many branches still essential. However, the existing textbooks of their derivation proved too rough and difficult for students to understand and grasp. These papers address these shortcomings on the basis of the existing reference materials and related documents. First According to Maxwells distribution rate of gas molecules derived free path, Then in the calculation of actual gas molecules derived transport coefficients introduced a relatively good potential model Tang-Toenni es (TT) potential model for the molecular interaction potential, On this basis the use of physical and mechanical transport coefficients calculated key collision integral formula and gives the collision integral formula to determine the number of parameters and relationships,Came to the conclusion that the transport coefficients calculated expression results. Compared to the results and the ideal gas transport coefficients are Calculation results are consistent with theoretical values, and choose TT potential model is correct.

Key words: Gas molecules; Free path; Transfer factor;  Interaction Potential 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。

    上一篇:从最低温度到最高温度 下一篇:基础物理试题库考试及评价问题研究