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2014-04-23 01:27
导读:数学论文毕业论文,本原字的问题样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 本原



关键词: 半群;自由幺半群;本原字;码

The Problem of Primitive Word


    Primitive word is a basic and important concept in the algebra languages. It is used in identify languages and finite automata, but they are important offsets in the research of theory computer. Shyr and Yu give two thoughts of formal language: every dense regular language contains imprimitive words, and also contains primitive words. There are many languaes in the computer at present, and the kind of languages are as many as algebraic systems. Free monoid is a basic of researching formal language. Primary object of studying formal language is grammar rule, and different grammar rule may give birth to different computer language. Of course, semigroup is also used in primitive word. First, semigroup has great application in formal language, that the concept of primitive word is introduced. Secondly, primitive word is talked about in character and used in diagram. And the method of judge and primitive word are presented. At last, it is touched upon the connection of primitive word and code. 


Key words  semigroup; free monoid; primitive word; code 

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