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2014-05-22 03:05
导读:数学论文毕业论文,公交车调度问题的数学模型论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 公交




A Mathematical Model of Bus Scheduling


The scheduling problem of a public transporting ling in a city is studied. Its purpose is to transport passengers using fewest buses without overload, and not to let the passengers waiting for long at the same time. Through analysis, the bus starting form the station in a time zone has relation to the maximum shift capacity of passengers, so the data of the passengers get on and off in each station is processed, and the maximum shift capacity of passengers in a time zone is worked out and the form is obtained. Then the minimum times of starting bus in this model is calculated by linear programming according to the maximum shift capacity of passengers. Plus the condition of the waiting time of passengers the times of starting bus in a time zone is worked out, and then the minimum buses is determined by the bus scheduling form. At the end of the article the result is evaluated, and the characteristics of this model is introduced, and the direction of further Optimization is pointed out.


Key words:bus scheduling; time zone; algorithm

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