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2016-06-25 01:02
Abstract: The public relation dissemination, is the communication process, is also the Social organization does the public relation work the important means. Left the dissemination, the public has understood the organization without knowing where to begin, the organization also without knowing where to begin understands the public. If we regard as the Social organization the public relation work the main body, regards as the public relation work the public the object, the dissemination is between the two mutual connection link and the bridge. The organization with public's communication, depends upon the information dissemination to a great extent, organizes with the public between the misunderstanding, also often is because the information creates impeded. Therefore, not only a Social organization must have the explicit goal, conform to the public benefit policies and measures, but must carry out the public relations activity fully using the dissemination method, wins the public the favorable impression and the public opinion support, obtains the good economic efficiency and the social efficiency. key word: Public relation; Relational dissemination; Human relations; Communication 前言
    上一篇:利益相关者利益要求正当性解说(1) 下一篇:无心看风景——反思企业经营之道(1)