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2013-05-14 02:14
导读:信息安全论文毕业论文,无刷同步发电机交流励磁机的设计-信息安全毕业论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:无刷同步发电机交流励磁机的设计摘 要:交流励磁发

无刷同步发电机交流励磁机的设计摘 要:交流励磁发机具有改善电力系统稳定性的优良特性。而励磁系统在发挥交流励磁发电机的优良特性方面起着关键作用。
关键词:无刷同步发电机;励磁系统;交流励磁机;电磁设计;整流The Desige of ACEG of Marine brushless synchronous generatorAbstract:ACEG(AC一Excited Generator)have many excellent characteristics that may imProving the stability of electric Power system. Excitation system Plays.an important role in utilize ACEG.
In this thesis ,the ACEG which serve excitated current for marine brushless synchronous generator and the device which take a rectificated characteristics for the current are studied.the thesis introduce summary and the devolope tendency of ACEG and dissertate the fundamental operational principle and the structure feature of ACEG and rectifier.In the design, the Electromagn this thesis ,the ACEG which serve excitated current for marine brushless synchronous generator and the device which take a rectificated characteristics for the current are studied.the thesis introducnetic design of ACEG Presents the design feature of AC Excited Generator and determination of major electromagnetic data。The Rectifier design is about the rectificated circuit’s election,and the rectificated device’s election and installation meas and line protection .Finally ,this thesis list the electromagnetic design and calculator program of ACEG。 Key words: Marine brushless synchronous generator; Excitation system; AC一Excited Generator; Electromagnetic Design; AC一Excited Generator ;Rectifier

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