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2013-05-20 01:04
导读:信息安全论文毕业论文,机加工自动线电气控制系统设计-信息安全毕业论怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:机加工自动线电气控制系统设计摘 要:本机加工自

机加工自动线电气控制系统设计摘 要:本机加工自动线仿真与控制系统由仿真计算机、PLC控制系统及PLC与仿真计算机之间的通讯接口装置三部分组成。
Machine tooling electric control system of transfer machine designAbstract:This machine tooling transfer machine emulation and control system are made up of emulation computer, PLC control system and PLC and emulation three parts of device of interface of communication of computer.
The design introduces systematic machinery and hydraulic pressure principle, designing requirement, control sureness, hardware design and software design.
The hardware design introduces how to choose the type of PLC in the design,the output elements of PLC with their distribution,and how to choose the type of the output elements of PLC.
The software design introduces the half automation of single machine working,the procedure of single machine working step and the design of the whole line come back to the origin automatic.
Keyword: Programmable Logic controller; Transfer machine of machine tooling; procedure design; control system

    上一篇:永磁同步电动机结构及设计的研究-信息安全毕业 下一篇:没有了