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2013-05-26 01:12

Collection and handling of the computer system
for direct current electric machinery test
Abstract:This topic,Design for collection and handling of the computer system for the synchronous electric motor test. It has merged the comparatively most advanced science and technology--Sensing technology, electric and electronic technology, the treatment technology of the signal, intellectual instrument and the apparatus technology and the synthetically dealing with by computer, the data display technology and the test technique etc.. Using that system to proceed a variety of test for the synchronous electric motor test, test the performance and every technical parameters its, and can produce the experiment report automatically . Bigger improvement the synchronous electric motor measurement precision and accuracy and scientific of data processing that test, have reduced the artificial error probability while analysing the test data. This system measures highly precision, friendly vb interface, it is simple and easy and convenient to operate.Its use full to impulse the development of the synchronous electric motor test technology by exploitation that system, promote the perfection of the technology of the synchronous electric motor, make contributions to national economic development. (科教作文网http://zw.NSEaC.com编辑发布)
Keywords:the synchronous electric motor; intellectual apparatus;the computer.

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