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2013-09-08 01:05
导读:7 Barendt, Eric and Hithens, Lesley. (2000).Media Law: Cases and Materials, Pearson Education. 8 Boyce, George.(Ed.)(1978).Newspaper History: from the seventeenth century to the present day.London:Con

7 Barendt, Eric and Hithens, Lesley. (2000).Media Law: Cases and Materials, Pearson Education.

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13 Collins, Richard and Murroni, Cristina. (1996).New Media, New Policies: Media and Communications Strategies for the Future.Cambridge: Polity Press.

14 Collins, Richard. (2002). Media and Identity in Contemporary Europe: Consequences of Global Covergence.Bristol: Intellect Books.

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16 Held, Virginia. (1970).Public Interest and Individual Interest. New York: Basic Books.

17 Hertz.(2002).The Silent Tackover:Global Capitalism and the Death of Demoracy.London:Arrow Books.

18 Herring,E. Pendleton.(1936).Public Administration and the Public Interest. New York:Russell and Russell.

19 Hollins,Timothy.(1984).Beyond Broadcasting: into the cable age. London: British Film Institute.

20 House,E.R.(1980).Evaluating with Validity. Beverly Hills: Sage.

21 Hutchison, David(1999).Media Policy.Oxford:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

22 【德】柯武刚、史漫飞著,韩朝华译.《制度经济学:社会秩序与公共政策》,北京:商务出版社,2003年11月版。

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24 Lasswell,H.D. and Kaplan, A.(1963).Power and Society.N.Y:McCraw-Hill Book Co.

25 卢现祥.《西方新制度经济学》(修订版).北京:中国发展出版社.2003年6月版.

26 【美】罗杰•菲德勒著,明安香译.《媒介形态变化:认识新媒介》.北京:华夏出版社,2000年1月版.

27 Leys,C.(2001).Market-Driven Politics.London:Verso.

28 Lennen,T.(2002).Digital TV: a phoenix risen from the ashes. Free Press.

29 【英】亚当•斯密著,郭大力等译.《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》.北京:商务印书馆.1994年版.

30 【美】珍妮特•V•登哈特,罗伯特•B•登哈特著,丁煌译.《新公共服务:服务,而不是掌舵》.北京:中国人民大学出版社.

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