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关键词:因地制宜 节约型 建设节约 节约型园林
Abstract: In recent years, because in the idea and the understanding deviation, enabled in the botanical garden afforestation construction to exist pays great attention the visual image to neglect the environment benefit the phenomenon. Along with the economical rapidly expand, takes the lead the area which in some are wealthy, the atmosphere which the pursue luxurious luxurious, is extravagant and wasteful is in vogue, in the botanical garden afforestation construction competes fights the rich wind to be increasingly fierce. In pursues under the construction thought instruction which strives for different, to be eager for quick success and immediate gain newly, each kind of rare and exotic plants sail across the seas, the big tree transplants the wind to failure to prohibit repeatedly. Not only that some violate the natural law the botanical garden afforestation techniques, like the counter-season plants with the adverse circumstance transplants, the pursue vision image digs the lake to pile the mountain, even fills in lake landscape gardening and so on, common. Does not stress the science the botanical garden afforestation construction, not only creates the precious water and soil, the plant resources serious waste, what moreover the consumption large amount of money brings is local landscape characteristic serious forfeit. Therefore, current proposed that the construction saves the slogan which the botanical garden afforests, not only very essential, moreover is prompt. (转载自http://zw.NSEeC.cn科教作文网)
key word: Acts as circumstances permit to save the construction to be frugal the botanical garden
中国传统的自然山水式园林以范山模水的景观类型而著称,造园受到水、土、石、木等自然资源的巨大限制。在自然资源贫乏的地区营造自然山水园,势必要耗费巨大的自然资源和人力物力。因此,当前全国各地普遍存在的不顾当地自然资源条件,一味追求理想化景观类型,从而改变场地原有的景观特征,造成外来景观入侵的建设模式,是中国园林绿化建设普遍资源消耗比较严重的主要原因。 (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com)