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2018-02-14 01:50
导读:参考文献: John Abbott,1998,”Upside Down and Inside Out: A Challenge to Redesign Education Systems to Fit the Needs of a Learning Society“,《The American Administrator》,January 1


John Abbott,1998,”Upside Down and Inside Out: A Challenge to Redesign Education Systems to Fit the Needs of a Learning Society“,《The American Administrator》,January 1998。John Abbott,1999a,”learning to go with the grain of the brain“,《Education Canada》,Spring 1999。John Abbott,1999b,”constructing knowledge, reconstructing schooling“,《Educational Leadership》,November 1999。

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Linda Elder and Richard Paul,2000,”universal intellectual standards“,the K-12 Library,www。criticalthinking。org。

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(科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)

Michel Foucault,1978,”interview with Duccio Trombadori“,translated by R。 James Goldstein and James Cascaito,”Remarks on Marx“,New York: Semiotext,1991。

Francis Fukuyama,”the end of history?“The National Interest,Summer 1989。Francis Fukuyama,《The End of History and the Last Man》,Avon Book,1993。

Hans-Georg Gadamer,《Truth and Method》,2nd ed。,English translation by Garrett Barden and John Cumming,London: Sheed and Ward,1975。

Howard Gardner,1991,《The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach》,Basic Books。Howard Gardner,2000,”an education for the future: the foundation of science and values“,talk delivered in Tokyo,May 21,2000,at the Symposium of the Tsuzuki International Scholarship Fund。

Jurgen Habermas,《Postmetaphysical Thinking: Philosophical Essays》,MIT Press,1992。

HEROS,2000”class size research“,Heros homepage,class size research。htm。
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