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A distributed Identification & Charging&

2014-10-05 01:57
导读:通信工程论文毕业论文,A distributed Identification & Charging&论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 全部作者: 董明 王丰

全部作者: 董明 王丰 第1作者单位: DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, XIAN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY 摘要: This paper presents an invisible photoelectric card which can replace IC card in some proper occasions. Traditional photoelectric card has visible holes so that it is easily to be forged. The invisible photoelectric card adopts 3-layer structure which makes the information hidden to naked eyes and improves safety prominently. Combined with Database and MCU(MCS-51), invisible photoelectric card can be used to implement a distributed system having the functions of identification and charging which can be widely used in hotels, library, dinning room etc. Taking the example of hotel management, firstly the structure of the card and the sensors are described; secondly the network of the distributed system is illustrated; This paper also provides the design of both the MCU which controls the sensors and the Database system which processes the user data. 关键词: Identification; Distributed system; Database; Photoelectric card; Sensor network (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2007年08月14日 同行评议:


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    上一篇:软件无线电中ADC/DAC性能分析及应用 下一篇:没有了