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The Protocol Conformance Test Method&nbs

2015-02-23 01:05
导读:通信工程论文毕业论文,The Protocol Conformance Test Method&nbs样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 全部作者: 金旭 Wu Weisun

全部作者: 金旭 Wu Weisun 第1作者单位: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 摘要: The message flow and message content of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)protocol, and applications of SIP protocol are studied in this paper. The analysis of Protocol Conformance Test described in this paper focuses on the techniques that currently are often used to design a manual test case. This technique is easy but it is necessary to describe the test way and results clearly in order to avoid wrong operations and fault results caused by the tester’s wrong comprehension. By studying SIP protocol and test techniques, 37 test cases are designed to test SIP terminals, which examines the accuracy of the message flow and message content of the terminals that support the basic speech service, insures the realization of the basic speech business from the protocol layer, and validating the correctness and reliability of the test cases. 关键词: SIP(Session Initiation Protocol),Protocol Conformance test Test Case (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2007年05月16日 同行评议:

虽然创新性不是很大,但还是有值得参考的内容的。需修改之处:1.文中使用的“SIP Protocol”,SIP中的P就是Protocol,所以,不该在后面再加1个 Protocol。2.各符号的角标应该真正写成角标,写在右下角。3.对各符号的含义解释得不够清楚,如n、m、p的取值范围各是多少?I是1个输入集合,是指消息集吗?还是消息中参数形成的集合?还是消息中字节形成的集合?4.做这样的研究工作,应当多参考前人已经作出的成就、已经取得的成果。

综合评价: 修改稿: 注:同行评议是由特聘的同行专家给出的评审意见,综合评价是综合专家对各要素的评议得出的数值,以1至5颗星显示。

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