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全部作者: 张冬至 夏伯锴 傅涛 第1作者单位: 中国石油大学(华东) 摘要: Some parameters affecting the measurement of water content in oil/water two-phase flow are detected using multi-sensor technology, and a novel hybrid intelligent prediction model is proposed to improve measuring precision of water content. Some advanced information processing technologies, such as neural networks optimized by hybrid genetic algorithm, combined meathod for decisions of multiple modules, are introduced in this intelligent prediction model, which guarantee a good prediction effect with global and fast convergence, strong generalization capability and high precision. The research result in this paper is shown that prediction precision is improved to a great extent in the all-round measuring range for water content, while the development cost is at a low valuation. It is a new and effective method for measuring water content in oil/water two-phase flow. 关键词: Two-phase flow; Multi-sensor; neural network; intelligent prediction (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2007年04月11日 同行评议:
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