2015-09-02 01:00
摘要:不同种类的操作系统、应用软件、系统软件和应用基础结构相互交织,这便是通关信息处理中的现状。为了提高通关效率以及一些现存的应用程序被用来处理当前的业务流程,因此从头建立一个新的基础环境是不可能的。通关应该能对业务的变化做出快速的反应,利用对现有的应用程序和应用基础结构的投资来解决新的业务需求,为客户提供新的互动渠道,并呈现一个可以支持有机业务的构架。SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)凭借其松耦合的特性,使得通关可以按照模块化的方式来添加新服务或更新现有服务,为解决新的业务需要提供选择,从而可以通过不同的渠道提供服务,并可以把通关现有的或已有的应用作为服务,从而保护了现有的IT基础建设投资。
Abstract: Interaction of various OS, application software, system software and application infrastructure is just the current condition of customs clearance information processing. It’s impossible to set up a completely new infrastructure for improving the efficiency of customs clearance since existing applications are used to process current business process. Customs clearance should make prompt response to changing business, utilize investment in existing application and infrastructure to meet new requirements, supply customers with new interaction channels, present a frame available to support organic business. With its feature of loose coupling, SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)have customs clearance add new service or update existing service in the modularization way, supply options for service delivery in different channels, make current or existing application as service, consequently protect existing IT infrastructure investment.
Key words: China electronic port;cargo clearance;service oriented architecture;business-driven development