2016-09-07 01:00
导读:2、胡玉明.作业管理的基本特点及其在管理上的重大开拓性.《当代财经》,1994年第8期 3、B.B.Tuney,Conmen Cents: ABC Performance Breakthrough, Portland, OR, Cost Techn
3、B.B.Tuney,Conmen Cents: ABC Performance Breakthrough, Portland, OR, Cost Technology,1992
4、H.T.Johnson and R.Raplan, Releuance Lost;The Rise and Full of Management Acc Ounting,Harvard BusinessSchool,1986
5、“Implementing Activity - Based Cost Management:Moving from Analysis to Action "By R.Cooper R.s Kaplan L.S. Maised E. Morrissey R.M. Oehm Institute of Management Accounting 1992