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2017-08-30 05:11
导读:管理论文毕业论文,CASE ANALYSIS OF T.W. COMPANY论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:毕业 Brief Contentspart 1 case bac

Brief Contents

part 1 case background & major issues

part 2 external analysis

part 3 internal analysis

part 4 base on SWOT

part 5 recommend structure & control system

part 6 summary of report

Executive summary & major issues
1.Case background
Shaanxi Tianwei biological products co.,ltd ,a high-tech private enterprise established according to modern regulation , is located in Jinge industrial zone, Xi’an Economic and Technology Development Zone.
total investment is more than 20 million rmb. Applying the latest technology and equipment of molecular distallation, we have built a state-of-art producing line to produce 100mts natural vitamin E, 90mts phytosterol,900mts methyl fatty acid 0.3 billion vitamin e pill from vegetable oil per year. We also produce effervescent tablet with VE+VC.
The company boasts to have high quality experts and managers .the project of natural vitamin e is listed in the projection of xi’an new products. And it is regarded as the model projection of producing and researching. The trademark is “ZHEN WEI TE”.
2.excutive summary
When TW company operate it’s production and sales. The Company’s director finds they are in a serious competitive environment. In the first year the hole company’s sales income is only 2000000 rmb. In 2001, The Company did a lot of effort in marketing, the sales income increase very quickly. But the company’s productivity is also waist. Although the TW company found a excellent quality control system and efficient lobar, train a professional engineer team and manager, but they company lock a powerful market working team, their product have no notability differentiation. So they have to compete in price. The Company has no core value and culture,


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