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Discussion about the Mechanism of C

2017-09-01 01:15
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全部作者: 栗方星
第1作者单位: 南开大学化学学院
摘要: : Based on the model of planets revolving round the Sun established in the paper, it is found that there exist same direction revolving and opposite direction revolving. Revolving time of the two process is complete same, but both revolving directions are reverse. The directions of their quadrature components are complete opposite and values of quadrature component aren’t equal. Quadrature component makes orbit plane deflect, after one comparative periods finish, orbit plane deflects a certain angle along the direction of greater quadrature component, and the angle was unceasingly cumulated, at last, the two planets revolve in a common plane.
关键词: solar system, same direction revolving, opposite direction revolving, planet plane, coplanar planet, planets. 远程下载 (免费PDF全文)
发表日期: 2006年05月15日


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