2015-04-27 01:42
导读:政治论文毕业论文,经济危机爆发的具体原因及启示——学习马恩列论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:【标题】Economic Crisis: Its Causes and Enlightenment ——A Personal Understanding of Marxi
【标题】Economic Crisis: Its Causes and Enlightenment
——A Personal Understanding of Marxism ory ofEconomic Crisis【提要】马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林认为资本主义危机爆发的具体原因有:竞争的盲目性、生产与消费的矛盾、生产力与市场相对狭小的矛盾、批发商业和货币信用的膨胀、主要消费品和固定资本生产过剩、生产比例失衡、经济跳跃式发展以及进出口贸易等。这些因素在主义市场经济条件下也存在,流通过程还是再生产的前提条件,因此经济危机在我国也有发生的现实性。并不因为我们消灭了资本主义制度就消灭了经济危机,只要有市场经济就有经济危机的可能,经济危机是市场经济的“生理现象”。 【英文摘要】The founders of Marxism have profoundly studied economiccrisis and revealed its causes. These causes are: the blindcompetition;the conflicts between production and consumption;the contradiction between the developing productive forcesand its diminishing market;the expansion of wholesale tradeand the inflation of confidence in the currency; the surplusof consumption goods and that of capital assets investment;the imbalance of production; the jerking development ofeconomy and export trade etc.Being the necessary proceduresof production and the preconditions of reproduction, thesefactors are also seen in socialist market economy and maypotentially trigger