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2014-08-21 01:32

摘  要


关键词: 中国古典园林、中国山水画 、美学思想


The development of things always goes hand in hand. In the long process of historical development, the Chinese classical garden develops along with the historical footsteps continuously. Chinese landscape paintings also affects the classical Chinese garden in this period. There always has a relationship of mutual influence and mutual promotion between them in a certain period. Chinese classical gardens has a large extent influence on the development of Chinese landscape painting, but as Chinese landscape painting becomes more mature and mature, it also greatly facilitated the rapid development of the Chinese classical gardens. And from a new era perspective, the relationship between the aesthetic thinkings of Chinese classical gardens and landscapes is still an issue worthing exploring. This article presents landscapes and garden art’s current research situation and will make further exploration for peer exchange.

Keywords: Chinese classical gardens, Chinese landscape painting, and his aesthetic


    上一篇:写意山水画的诗意本体 下一篇:空灵之美――访黑土地青年画家赵蓓蕾