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2013-11-28 01:19
导读:主要参考文献: 1、刘树坤等.中国生态水利建设.人民日报出版社.2004.12 2、江西水资源利用.江西省水利规划设计院.1986.10 3、吉安县水资源开发利用现状分







The resources of water can keep on to make use of

and develop in Ji-an County

[Brief summary] this text Chien says the water resources development of Chi-an County to make use of the present condition and existent problems, put forward the resources of water and can keep on to make use of and the main counterplan for develop, the aim is carrying out and canning keep on the exploitation to prop up the county area and canning keep on the development economically with the resources of water.

[Keyword] resources of water    Make use of and develop

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