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【中文摘要】 企业的安全发展、可持续发展的相关研究由来已久。早在七十年代,自组织理论最早运用于管理科学中,认为企业是一个开放的复杂系统,对当时管理科学的研究思想和研究方法产生了深刻的影响。在八十年代,运用达尔文的进化理论,将企业看成为可进化的生命体进行系统研究,使企业的发展研究进入一个崭新的领域。在九十年代,从生态学角度研究企业的动态演化问题成为一个新的思路。直至21世纪,企业的动态演变问题一直都是一个焦点问题,而电网企业作为国有大型能源企业,其安全发展更是事关国家安全、经济发展、社会稳定和人民生命财产安全.在全球经济一体化的背景下,面临来自全球范围的挑战,电网企业如何才能在当前巨大而复杂的动态系统中得到存活,如何才能适应不断变化的环境是我们迫切需要解决的问题。通过对目前企业发展演变问题的文献研究,发现大多数的文献对企业发展演变问题的研究要么单一的运用生物学角度的理论,要么单一的运用生态学角度的理论,对能源性企业的研究更是大多停留在宏观的管理理念,本文综合当代主流的企业发展演变理论的基本原理,从宏观到微观对企业演变机理进行分析,进一步深入论证西北电网安全发展的演变机理和可持续发展问题,并在结合了西北电网有限公司安全监督处委托的《西北电网有限公司安全发展战略研究》项目研究成果的基础上,运用swot技术矩阵分析西北电网公司发展现状,把握企业进化不同阶段的特征变化,因地制宜、因时制宜的管理企业,最后建立了西北电网公司的安全发展模式
【英文摘要】 Research related to safe and sustainable development of enterprise has been a long history.Back in the seventies,self-organization theory was firstly used in management science,which regarded the enterprise as an open complex system and had a profound impact towards thinking and researching methods.In the eighties,researchers took the enterprise as evolutionary system and put the research into a new area.In the nineties,the research of dynamic evolution often adopted the ecological view point.Until the 21st century,the problem of enterprise' dynamic evolution has always been a focus point,well, as large state-owned energy companies,the safe development of grid companies are greatly related to national security,economic development,social stability and people's lives and property.Under the global economic integration background,grid companies are facing global challenges from everywhere.How to survive in huge and complex dynamic systems and adapt to the changing environment at any time has been urgently need to be addressed.Though the current research on enterprise' dynamic evolution,it is found that most researchers either use the theory in a single view point of biology or ecology and the researches about energy enterprise mostly remained in the process of macro-management idea.The paper analyzed the mechanism of enterprises' evolution from the macro to the micro by combining the contemporary mainstream basic principle together,furthermore, demonstrated the evolutional mechanism of Northwest Power Grid Co.,Ltd's safe development in-depth and connected with the results of "Research on safe development strategy of the Northwest Power Grid Co.Ltd" commissioned by its safety supervision department,took SWOT technological matrix to analyze the status quo of the Northwest Power Grid Company's,concerned on the characteristic changes of different evolutional stages and managed the company according to the changing conditions,finally built the pattern of the Northwest Power Grid Company's safe development.
【中文关键词】 电网; 演变机理; 分析; 安全发展模式