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Containerisation in the ports of Vietnam程力学毕业论文

2015-03-20 01:22
导读:工程力学论文毕业论文,Containerisation in the ports of Vietnam程力学毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:

全部作者: Nguyen Giang Quynh Professor Lu Zi Ai Chen Wei
第1作者单位: Department of Traffic and Transportation, Hohai University
摘要: This paper examines some of the contemporary features of containerisation at the ports of Vietnam. Ports are having to adjust to a wide range of forces, both local and global. Enhanced competition between ports is shaping developments. Ports have to keep pace with technological developments and thus there are great pressures to expand their facilities. In addition, links with hinterland markets have to be improved and extended. The paper demonstrates that these pressures are being felt throughout the port system, and through a series of individual and regional examples the dynamism of the Vietnamese port system is exposed.
关键词: containerisation, ports, Vietnam (浏览全文)
发表日期: 2007年08月24日


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