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摘 要
By way of the development to the school numeral experiments an AEDK- DEC1, analyze the problem of the existing experiment equipments existence: Lead the line contact not dependable; Be short of the breadboard, can't imitate the experiment; The continuous pulse signal source frequency undue lead high;Nil numeral voltmeter etc…The experiment box that improves the empress will make up these weaknesses, can make it satisfy the request that now experiment, even can develop the student's active and the unique.
The basis existing experiment box is a template, taking into the design to the total layout of the experiment box, making the combination that each parts can moderate been together, still increasing the all-powerful chip electric outlet and the breadboard specially in the design moreover, toing occupy the very big space in whole layout, each position of parts of appropriate processing, among them mainly include the power supply part of place the rationality of the choice in order to in experiment, two power supplies lead to the burden center area, to reduce the line high-frequency interference.
Keyword:The numeral experiments the development of the box, total design, breadboard, numeral voltmeter.
前 言
为了适应电子科学技术的高度发展和二十一世纪高等教育培养高素质人才的需要,我们在已有的数字实验箱的基础上,总结了前人对实验箱的制作经验,开始了我们的数字模拟综合实验箱的设计。考虑到素质教育的特点,在设计数字实验箱时,既要保持多年形成的比较成熟的体系,又要面向新世纪的发展,既要符合实验课程的基本 要求,又要适应当地引进电子技术中的新器件、新技术、新方法;即要掌握基础知识,又要培养他们的动手能力与创新意识。为此我们制定了“保证基础知识,体现先进,联系实际,引导创新,分清层次,利于教学,节省资源”的设计原则,使我们设计 的实验箱有系统性和科学性, 启发性、先进性、实用性和适用性。由于电子电路分析和设计方法的现代化与自动化,使定量计算更准确和精确,因此本设计更侧重电路结构的设计,力图使实验者不但“知其然”还“知其所以然”从中获得启迪,并进一步提高对数字电子技术与模拟电子技术的掌握与理解,本设计适当引入了进些年来电子技术的新器件、新技术、新方法,如:PCB印制电路板的制作绘画制作,电容开关技术等。