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The Registration of INSAR Complex I

2013-08-18 01:03
导读:网络工程论文毕业论文,The Registration of INSAR Complex I怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 全部作者: 彭曙蓉 王耀南 刘国才 W

全部作者: 彭曙蓉 王耀南 刘国才 Wenzhong Yang 第1作者单位: 湖南大学 摘要: Registration accuracy of InSAR is a key index in the procedure of the processing InSAR data. To obtain better measuring results, A multi-steps matching method is proposed to improve registration accuracy progressively for InSAR complex image. Firstly calculate the approximate offsets by using software EnView. Then perform pixel level’s primary matching and sub-pixel level’s precise registration. The primary matching algorithm based on texture structure information. Considering that the presented algorithms are based on the amplitude map and ignore the integration, the algorithm by using global relaxation matching on account of the phase is proposed in the last matching step to reduce the matching errors and improve matching precision. The experiment verified the nicer validity of this algorithm. 关键词: edge extraction, global relaxation,phase, registration,InSAR (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2006年11月30日 同行评议:


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