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Adaptive Antenna System in IEEE 802

2013-12-08 01:35
导读:网络工程论文毕业论文,Adaptive Antenna System in IEEE 802样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 全部作者: 赵力强

全部作者: 赵力强 第1作者单位: 西安电子科技大学综合业务网国家重点实验室 摘要: Directional distributed coordination function (D-DCF), a modified medium access control protocol of IEEE 802.11, is proposed in this paper to support smart adaptive array antennas over WLAN. D-DCF based on hybrid virtual carrier sense (HVCS) mechanism can coexist with DCF. A smart antenna has omni-directional and directional mode in operation. In D-DCF, before sending any data-frames, the sender and receiver node transmit a pilot sequence by means of omni-directional request-to-send/clear-to-send (ORTS/OCTS) handshake mechanism. Based on the pilot, the directional beam can be formed by the smart antenna. Then the node can transmit its data-frame in directional mode. The other nodes save the transmission time between the sender and receiver in omni-directional mode in their network allocation vectors. When the sender and receiver communicate in directional mode, the other nodes can contend channel to send their data-frames. Hence, D-DCF supports space division multiple access (SDMA). 关键词: WLAN, Smart Adaptive Array Antennas, MAC, SDMA, TDD (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2006年09月04日 同行评议:


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