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【关键词】 肝肿瘤
[摘要] 目的:探讨中医药在治疗原发性肝癌方面的规律。方法:筛选建国以来国内公开报道的有关中医治疗原发性肝癌的论文,对文献中使用的治法、方剂及中药名称进行统计分析。结果:计有治法165种,以活血法为多;方名277种,以理气类为主;中药459种,以补气类最为常见。结论:中医药治疗原发性肝癌,以补气、理气、活血方药为主,兼顾清热、滋阴及湿。
[关键词] 肝肿瘤; 中医治法; 方剂; 中草药; 文献工作
Analysis of literature on therapeutic methods and medicines of traditional Chinese medicine for primary liver cancer
ABSTRACT Objective: To find out the rules of therapeutic methods, formulas and medicines of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for primary liver cancer (PLC). Methods: The frequencies of treatments and medicines of TCM in 978 pieces of documents concerning PLC were analyzed. Results: Among the 165 therapeutic methods, 277 formulas and 459 kinds of herbs, the methods for activating blood circulation, the formulas for regulating qiflowing and the herbs for invigorating qi are the most commonly used. Conclusion: Therapeutic methods such as invigorating qi, regulating qiflowing and activating blood circulation are the main choices for PLC, and the methods such as clearing heat, removing dampness and nourishing yin are used as supplements.
KEY WORDS liver neoplasms; therapeutic method, TCM; prescriptions, TCM; drugs, Chinese herbal; documentation
1 资料与方法
1.1 资料来源 (1)中国生物医学文献光盘数据库(CBMdisc),计算机检索1980年1月~2004年8月的文献题录。(2)《医学论文累积索引